"Demi Marriner: Igniting the Stage at Black Deer Festival with an Unforgettable Performance and Debut Album Teasers"

Demi Marriner Fresh from winning the Black Deer Emerging Artist Competition, which was a fan-voted system where her loyal fans turned out in numbers, Hailey's Bar took the coveted spot in the festival lineup. I have been following her for a number of years as she continues to grow. I've seen her perform solo or as part of a duo with another artist, and even as a member of the Charlton Country Club with their backing band. I remember catching a smaller band performance back in 2018 at the Green Note. It was a pleasant surprise to discover that she had secured a spot at the festival and took the opportunity to showcase a full set of songs from her upcoming debut record, set to be released next month.

From the very first note, it was evident that her band was incredibly tight and in sync. Demi possesses a more traditional sound, which is refreshing to see as there are not many artists like her around.

Sins Live @ Black Deer 2023

The set began with a catchy acoustic riff in "Sins," before transitioning into an electric blues sound as the full band kicked in. Demi standout vocals emerged about 30 seconds into the performance, and she couldn't help but smile as the tent filled up. I appreciated that this year the tent was completely open on one side, allowing for a more immersive experience.

"Distorted Desires," the second track, began with an electric riff that introduced the full band sound, which continued throughout the song. Demi stage presence exuded electric energy, and it was exhilarating to witness an artist I've followed for years grace such a grand stage.

"Stay," the third track, slowed things down a bit, giving Demi vocals an excellent opportunity to shine. It showcased her range and talent beautifully.

"Last Summer," the fourth track, was another excellent performance with the full band, featuring some outstanding guitar parts. The closing line, "I never left, would you still be here?" resonated with everyone, and I believe we all would still be here in that moment.

With only 30 minutes to showcase herself, Demi made the most of it. "The Golden Kind," the fifth track, was a heartfelt story about holding someone's hand. It was a slightly slower number with superb harmonies. The moment when the band fell out for the words "I just wanna fall back in" was a magical highlight, and the lyrics were poignant, touching on themes of self-discovery and loneliness.

"The Little Boy," the final track, started off slow, allowing Demi vocals to shine once again. The song gradually picked up pace, leading into an excellent guitar riff. The band stepped up their performance towards the end, creating a memorable crescendo. The lyrics at the end, "the most magical thing I have ever seen," accurately captured the essence of her set.

see full gallery of shots below

It's a shame that the set ended so quickly, but the crowd's reaction of big cheers and applause was well-deserved. Before concluding, Demi reminded everyone about her upcoming tour and album release. Her debut album, "The Things We Didn't Say," will be out on June 21st,

accompanied by two full band shows the following week. Tickets https://www.demimarriner.co.uk/live-shows I'm excited to attend both shows, as well as experience her full-length debut album, which I anticipate will be excellent based on her previous singles.


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